Makes Learning Fun Again
Jennifer Walthers
We love Effie! My two find her captivating. Her bright personality and engaging content capture their attention and keep it. Rare these days, especially with a lot of virtual learning programs. They love learning with Effie, and I love having a tool that makes learning fun again.
Miss Effie Captivated Our Hearts
Amy and Alexandria Blythe
Miss Effie brings a smile to our faces as she navigates the world in her power pink cowboy boots! She has captivated our hearts with her charm and curls! Miss Effie's bravery shines through her presence, effervescence, and self-assurance. She continues to twirl off the pages right into our hearts by showing us how to show-up fully for herself and others with curiosity and confidence while graciously navigating her big hair journey!
Educational, Vibrant, and Extremely Engaging
Christie Federico
Effie’s videos and books are educational, vibrant, and extremely engaging. They touch on vocabulary and topics that are important for children to be exposed to, and everything is presented in such a fun way. Through Effie’s products, children’s self-esteem and self-confidence will undoubtedly grow, and I can’t recommend them enough!
Breath of Fresh Air
Mallory C.
Having worked as a professional tutor, writer, actor (including voiceovers for animated education videos for kids), editor, stylist, creative consultant, and website manager, I have seen a LOT of content, and I will confess that I thought the kids’ video market was saturated, that I could not be charmed. Then I met Effie. She is so totally unique from head to toe, and not just visually. Her teaching methods are somehow simultaneously full of surprises yet soothing. In Effie’s world, no new piece of knowledge is too small nor too big; all learning is awesome and inspiring! :-) I love the pace of the videos, how her pauses allow for kids— or any viewers for that matter— to repeat things aloud or in their heads and really absorb what’s just been said or is being shown. I now can’t imagine the world without Effie nor do I want to; she is a breath of fresh air, a warm friend, and a patient and encouraging presence, a garden of rainbow and shooting stars grounded in learning, inviting whoever watches her and/or listens to her to grow and bloom into a flowering spirit just as bright!